In the shadow of myths
Jon Torner Zabala @jtorner 2023ko maiatzaren 03a
'Aztarna faltsuak' | Bruno Duhamel | Harriet, 2022
'Aztarna faltsuak' | Bruno Duhamel | Harriet, 2022

When I'm asked about the comics I like the most, I don't know what to answer. I have no fetish authors. The reason is unfortunate: most of the time, after reading a comic – or a novel – I forget who the author is, as I have been able to confirm with False Footprint, when I started reading for the second time to write this text. “To see who I was from? Bruno Duhamel. The name sounds to me, and these illustrations, which I've seen before, this wide range of colors, these beautiful panoramic views of the Grand Canyon illuminated by the sunset...” I have read on Wikipedia that the publisher Harriet – who if not! – has several French author comics translated into the Basque – translated by Miel Angel Elustondo – and I have noticed that I have one of them kept at home: Return, located on a volcanic island that could be Lanzarote.

The modern western Frank Paterson is starred by false traces. For fifteen years he has played Johnson Marshall's role in a Western American show, but he has ended up taking the job seriously: he took his gun to a tourist and is now unemployed. His former companions, as a farewell gift, pay for an organized trip to the iconic Old West scenarios. A colorful group traveling to put at Duhamel's sights mass tourism, attraction for weapons, racial and sexual prejudices, the fate of reserve Indians, the tendency to turn historical characters into myths... The first bus stop will break the harmony between them, the comments to a former Marine and the concrete historical explanations of Frank that will show the ignorance of others. The character's personality would be a perfect excuse for drawing a humorous story, but Duhamel has gone another way, although the satirical touch splashes all the comic in the readers that will make little laughter. We don't know if fake footprints are a tribute to the western genre or a demystification. Both, probably.

What is the myth and what reality, what has actually happened and what false footprint, the French comic book game, centered on Frank's inner journey, is going to take an unsuspected direction under the effect of the mind-blowing substances that an Indian had at his fingertips.

When I ask myself about the cartoonists I love most, I know what my answer is.