Technological democratization
Diana Franco Eguren 2023ko apirilaren 25a

I remember the excitement I had 20 years ago when the old Google company took office resources out of their cloud. It was a revolutionary innovation. He spent time and we understood the direction of his business model, but it was late, we had his system integrated into the most vulnerable areas of our lives: education, home, health...

Currently, some experts say that we are facing a new innovation that represents the Google system. With the same strategy that Google used, a new tool is being introduced into society to make our lives easier: artificial intelligence. It is about entering all areas, as it has the capacity to make the work processes more effective, which will result in competitive advantages, so there is fear of not using them in the air, of falling behind.

Universal access to artificial intelligence has been called the democratization of artificial intelligence, that is, the possibility that anyone can count on the support of an accessible artificial intelligence in their work/creation processes in a relatively simple way. But some of us have already learned how easy it is to make analogies with the benefits that humans have had in analogue societies in the digital realm… What then lies beneath the idea of democratizing artificial intelligence? The answer is not difficult, because it's an old game between humans, a game of domination, where you want to create a new table of games with new power relationships.

I work around the digital divide, and one of the first things I explain is that having a technology is being able to create it from scratch. Those of us who are unable to generate technology are users. Today, it's getting harder and harder to have technology. We are more at risk than ever of living in a position of technological dependence. But of course, reality doesn't have to be unique; that's right, to face that reality, we have to have a lot of imagination. We need more imagination than peoples full of users than citizens.