“D’s cessation is unanimously agreed. Gustavo Antépara Benito as Sole Administrator, approves his full management and thanks for the work done (...) It is also unanimously agreed to appoint Mrs. Pilar Perosanz Lozano as the new Administrator of the Company for an indefinite period”. This is reflected in the minutes of the Universal General Assembly of Luxury partners of 1 July 2022, in the document signed by the commercial register accepting the modification.
Change of administrator, same year
Since its foundation it has been the only administrator of Antépara, although society has changed its name and object. The Editorial and Communications Group Enea (GECE) was created in 2007. Until then it was called Grupo Enea Editorial S.C. Society was renamed Luxury in September 2019. Limited to the research area of this report, before July 2022, under the administration of Antépara, Luxury has illegally exploited the property of the Pintor Street as tourist dwelling and has carried out a comprehensive reform of the housing of the second floor without authorization. Since July, under the administration of Perosanz, Luxury has maintained the illegal exploitation of the dwellings, performing unauthorized works in each of the homes of the streets Pintor y Difusor.
Warned by the City Council of the illegal works and in the attempt to legalize them, in the formalities presented by Perosanza to the City Hall a series of false data and omissions are observed. The Department of Territorial and Climatic Action, in charge of the works, has noticed some of them (not all) and has been the subject of rejection of some authorizations.
* This article is part of a broader research report.
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