Hysterical materialism
Uxue Apaolaza Larrea 2023ko apirilaren 25a

I was watching the autonomic bulletin (I wrote it, and I immediately repented of the purrustling, of the excellent journalist who works in the informative, but I got angry again and I had my regret): they were talking about the PNV. Against and for the Spanish Congress. However, he actually rejected it and rejected it. Against the Housing Law because of its competencies (the emotional key to channel the desire for independence); against the Law of Guarantee of Sexual Freedom.

This law put approval at the heart of typifications. If we do not accept it, it was a violation. Violence and intimidation are now back at the centre. According to the memory of the viscera, anxiety has gone to me in 2016 (I had to look for the news, because if I could not confirm it was last year). It is said that a couple had sex on the Barcelona metro and that they were looking for the couple because they were going to be fined. You can still watch the video (as long as your psychopathy allows it) not on Deep Web, but on the websites of the television channels. There was no violence, no intimidation: I couldn't watch the video because I don't see sexual intercourse because I see a rape. There's no conformity in a girl with her head that you have to endure, in a person who can't get dressed afterwards.

Irene Montero, from Podemos, and Ione Belarra, have provided us only in Congress, along with hysterical, cooked, EHBildu and ERC, undoubtedly immature aspects. We return to the reasonable meters, the men, the right, understood by the PNV, which seems to be lost in the maze of our approval. I know that on the Barcelona metro the couple raped a girl. I know that it will be even more effective to hire a dealer than to go to justice if I want to be recognised that I have been raped. Municipal elections are held in May. Let us defend our competences.