I can’t start without making the usual joke…
Many times I get the same joke. I touch the harp and branch (laughs). But I especially touch the harp. I chose that I was very young. When I was watching a video of Pirritx eta Porrotx -- I think I was looking for the Treasury -- Olatz Zugasti appeared playing the harp. He rescued sleeping pirates and clowns. So I said, “Mom, that’s what I want.”
Later, my mother took me to the concerts aimed at the children to reflect the decision well. I was clear that I wanted to paste the harp. I was already a student at Irun's conservatory, but at Irun there was no possibility, so I started going to Oiartzun every week. I remember writing with a lot of excitement to Pirritx, Porrotx eta Marimotxi explaining my dream. Porrotx replied.
How does the harp hit?
It has its own codes, like all instruments. It's pervasive to think that we're few arpians, but we're not so few. Although many leave it on the way, we are more than we think. At first you have to learn the position of each finger, make the ear and recognize the strings, red, black and white, each with a certain sound. It is a very slow process, it is true, but I think it is nice. Progressive incorporation of competences. Constancy is the key to learning.
Do you have a rope at home?The Olentzero
brought me the first one, a small harp, and I still use it. Then I moved on to an older one. They are very expensive and in many homes it is impossible to buy. However, I believe that music should be available to everyone, and fortunately this philosophy is present in most conservatories, so it is common to use instruments of conservatories as their own.
Knowing this, I take good care of the two arpeggios I have at home, and when I have to remove them, I am aware that I squeeze my teeth (laughs).
Besides hitting the harp, right?
Yes, in the conservatory. In the Spanish State there are no university degrees and in most foreign countries there are. I got into the conservatory because I have the linguistic profile and a college degree. In September the door opened for the first time in Vitoria – the conservatory is in the capitals of the South – and I have started the road from scratch. The students also start from scratch with the instrument and the path they are making is very nice. They don't know the musical language and they suck everything at once.
What relationship is established between the person and the harp?
I remember my youth as a teacher. Because I believe that, ultimately, a triangular relationship is created between student, teacher and instrument. The professor plays an important role in the student's learning process, while the harp is buried on the shoulder, the two hands are passed over and given a kind of hug, it's pure magic.
He also works on tablado, compaginating music and palabra.El Basque
is very important to me. Since I was a child, I liked writing so that I could get what I find hard to say orally. I started making music stories when I was in Barcelona, and when I went back to Euskal Herria, I wanted to start writing. But it's been complicated. I pointed to the Bertso eskola and wrote a bouquet for later music. I lost my father and suddenly he didn't want to see my harp. Well, I think that branch was the handle, which allowed me to pick up the harp.
We later created the band of musical verses and kept working from time to time. Besides playing with the orchestra, the harp is beautiful to combine music and word. Its sound and size quickly catches people's attention.
What is it for adults or children?I have not yet dared to work
stories with adults. After all, I do it for those who are able to sit for 40 minutes, regardless of age. Most kids hold it up and then I give them a chance to get to know the harp. It's amazing how they respect the instrument, what respect they have.
I think education should pay much more attention and importance to music. Today very nice experiments are done, but what I have seen and/or known are done in private schools, unfortunately. But music should have no limits, art is beyond money.
“I don’t remember the beginning very well. For years he went to Oiartzun every week. Like many artistic specialties, music is very constant. You must show the teacher that you are learning correctly and improving at the right speed. You should notice a breakthrough between the week. That causes pressure." Olentzero brought the first harp to Sanz. He says that those at home have always supported him, and he wanted to do higher studies in the music line. With the pupils up, Sanz speaks of the past.
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