Castillo Suárez @casti_suarez 2023ko martxoaren 31

I do not remember who I heard that at the end of the month you can only write poetry, if poetry is not your way to the end of the month. Poetry, fortunately or unfortunately, has always been on the periphery of the literary system and the cultural industry. In any case, poets have a certain prestige. We sell little but we are well seen. I, at least, am in that group. These days I am presenting two books: one in Basque and one in Catalan. I say yes to all interviews and I try to adapt to journalists' calendars and schedules. My work allows me to freely enjoy the hours and days of vacation and when I was able to leave I had no problem in getting the money from the flights and hotels that have asked me. Obviously, I lose money with literature. And you can tell me, you're doing what you like. But I'm worried that some of the orders that I recognize, debalde or badly paid, don't harm those who live in literature, or rather, write. That is why I have become a member of Lanartea. Because those of us who create, and the professionals, have the right to do so with dignity.