Why would the peoples need independence?
Ane Ablanedo Larrion 2023ko martxoaren 28a

Once again, the Basque issue has recently occupied some of the line leaders. That a court has decided to contravene the conditions of a post with an Basque profile. They say that a socio-linguistic survey has provided significant data. That the Basque cultural activity of Lapurdi, Baxenafarroa and Zuberoa will be held a great demonstration next month, or that last week an important mobilization has been made in favour of education in Basque, in favor of the right to truly Basque and Basque learning.

New elderly.

Old man, aggression against Euskera, contempt, shame. To such an extent that it is hard to believe that it can be news, that we are still surprised and disturbed.

And the data also the old ones. We know that the number of Euskaldunes is now higher, but this has not meant an increase similar to the use; or that among young people there is a greater number of Euskaldunes, due to the effect of teaching, although we know that this does not imply a proper adhesion of the language, as I warned in the last article. Because the highest rate of opposition to the promotion of the Basque country is in this group, that is, really new. Case.

We complain, as is normal. "We are always fed up with explaining, justifying and defending our choice: we want to live in Basque with normality, spontaneity and tranquility", words of Doinuele, member of the newborn project.

Do you really believe that the future of the Basque Country depends on what Spain and France are going to do for us?

And we ask for policy. "Faced with the obstacles that the Basque Country has, we are going to demand an effective language policy", because "if the true language were a public policy ..." – words heard in the press conference to announce the demonstration to be held in Baiona – it would obviously be very different.

We are aware that the "legal bases that exist to advance the normalization of the Basque Country are weak and not sufficient", and that we must "flatter", in relation to the mobilizations of the students of March.

But we didn't touch the essence.

Because, if we know that our socio-linguistic situation is a symptom and a consequence of the political dependence of the Basques, and that in this situation it is impossible to live in Basque normally or to make a real linguistic policy in favour of the Basque Country that will revolutionize the situation, why is it not said? What is more serious, why have we opted for a political strategy that is not based on that?

Honest questions: do you really believe that the future of the Basque Country depends on what Spain and France are going to do for us? Do you really expect gestures? Do you really think it is a proper tactic, to try to get those states to wager on a language that is not theirs and that they do not want it? Do you really believe (we) that the structure of the autonomous and departmental colonial administrations is a legal and political support for us? So what are we doing?

We will ignore it, we will find it difficult, but if we are to stop the enormous effect of the assimilation machine, the people inevitably need its independence. Like all the peoples of the world, we are not different. If a people could maintain their idiosyncrasies without independence, why and for what purpose would the states wish and need their independence?

Since I do not understand how there can be a dialogue on the problems of the Basques, which does not mention the indolent word, I will bring it as many times as necessary. Jin. You will say that I am committed. Well, yes, and very worried.