A 2013 song by Glaukoma said the theater was starting. The song Kañeroa, pessimistic, realistic, and above all critical, vindictive; surely with his hearing he would put a vein of the neck in a torrent and to the right neighbor you know. Or maybe it would have been better, at least then, not to show the song. Perhaps they would have liked to sit before the judge, who knows, because they were hardly tried in Spain as criminals, among other things for denouncing the corruption of politicians, which has sometimes been proven. Although they promised to take away Mozala, someone has eaten his word and nothing happens here.
It has been ten years since this warning was given on the stage of parliamentary theatre, and that same phrase has reminded me after what has been seen in recent weeks. We live compulsively in the present, with a constant pulse with the world, very forgotten from the present and last week, but it seems that we have not changed much – another argument, by the way, I will mention for the last time the song of Glaukoma: “Euskal Herria Sundays seeing the rabbit” also songs of the bations; the only thing that has changed is that Sundays instead of Mondays.
Robert A. Dahl’s book On Democracy (1998) is widely used in political science academia. It is said to provide some significant keys to understanding the contemporary political system and the distribution of powers between them, and it can be easily understood that the elaboration and adoption of laws is the political parties elected by the citizens, the parliament, and that the responsibility of the governing is to implement those laws, to implement them. However, the well-learned theory gets a slap in the face of the actual application, because it has a thousand gadgets to step on each other, or to crush the usual. It can be 49.3 or anything else, but whoever wants to chase it does. It is protected by law, the derogation from jurisdiction by the person exercising authority. “I need your support, but quiet, if you do not support me, it does not matter, because you are above you.” Macron lost his popularity, but he doesn't care too much, because legally he can't come back to the presidency. Good sleeves, because it has nothing to lose.
The other is not left behind either, because he has found a way to enter the motion of censure against him with a smile. He had no hesitation, he was not afraid to lose the throne, and Sánchez took the minutes before the camera to massage voters. The one before him, the presumed candidate, acknowledged that he got bored in the president's speech and did little more. Is this the parliamentary theatre? Egon, Hego Euskal Herritarrok, hartu agenda: two months to May. And then say what this is, drama or comedy.
Bizkaian eta Gipuzkoan egin bezala, EAEko estatus politiko berriak Euskal Herria nazio gisa aitortzea eta erabakitzeko eskubidea jasotzea eskatu dute Arabako Batzar Nagusietan alderdi abertzaleek.
There are those who say that elections serve only to give legal status to political decisions. And there are not very many who think that way. Okay, but with that, a lot of things are said, among other things, that real power, power, is out of that game.
But, in my view,... [+]