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Diana Franco Eguren 2023ko martxoaren 16a

I think productive work is the same as life's work. To have a good life, you have to feed well, take care of your body, be protected, maintain relationships -- and that's a great job. The nature of companies is similar. Life work and productive work are addictive dynamics. And if the addictions to life were not enough, the addictions to productive work absorb our strength and our time. How far can you go in this dispute? To what extent can businesses absorb their strength? How far can you do without life care for productive work? In many companies, the raw material is the human workforce. This workforce is sometimes a mechanical action and other activity that can generate many values, such as creating a market. All labour force expressions are necessary for the survival of companies.

Historically, since the industrial revolution, the workforce, the labor force, has been measured in hours. Today, for many companies, the aim is to get the maximum performance of each day: we have to return all our activities to the data in many companies to measure that the time we are hired has been used with advantage. The belief that data will simplify complexity is that we will be able to better understand and repeat the activities that have been given in the data.

Unfortunately, in life we are the same looking at everything (putting what we have eaten in an application, following the steps we have taken with an application, controlling the rule with an application...): the logic of the datification of productive work has polluted the work of life. We lose perception of life as we are reducing the character of our lives to data.