Love of man
Eva Perez-Pons Andrade @Eva__96 2023ko martxoaren 13a

With the excuse of an act that I am not going to mention here, an intimate friend gave me the plant The Love of Man (Tradescantia fluminensis), because it seemed to him the most appropriate plant to give to a vollera. We put it on a shelf in the house, next to the giant plant Monstera delicious, the rib of Adam, brought a few weeks earlier by his roommate. That altar that looked like a tribute to the patriarchy lasted a few days, started to take out white spots and holes in man's love, and when the sun was missing, we put it in another corner with more plants. The result is that before death he contaminated all the other plants.

Apart from the joke of an impossible coexistence between a vollera and the love of Man, taking into account the names of the plants, we found an allegory between the hegemonic male anecdote and romantic love. As he felt small and simple by the rib of Adam, he began his self-destruction taking all he found along the way. He died by killing others.