Ways to measure
Diana Franco Eguren 2023ko martxoaren 08a

We often understand them as a technology and an innovation. The nature of technology is so old. The older sister of technology is knowledge. We create technologies to practice science, the practice of science brings knowledge, knowledge, possibilities to generate different technologies... and so we understand and influence the world we live in. In this influence we mix the passions we have in the human being, and the result is necessarily beneficial for some and others not.

In our society, we use impact indicators to measure innovation. That is, we measure the influence capacity. This effectiveness can be very varied. I believe that, knowing that I am simplifying a lot, there are two major objectives that are measured with impact indicators: profit and social transformation. I believe that these two indicators are differences in the same currency. Performance-oriented activities have the capacity for social transformation. And activities with the capacity for social transformation have the capacity to generate benefits. That is, in short, the idea of innovation. And maybe we understand that they're innovators because of the role of technology in it.

By 8 March I want to devote my weekly column to the old witches. The technology, science and knowledge they invented in their work to enable creation allowed the well-being of many individual women. But I also want to offer the witches of our times and the innovative indicator that it uses to measure impact: equality.