Although we still do not analyse in depth the collective impact of the pandemic, it is no exaggeration to say that it has left us the demands we have made “our”. One of them is that we must focus care once and for all.
The issue of care is increasingly central in Euskal Herria, because the care crisis demands it and in part brings it, and the Feminist Movement of Euskal Herria must be recognized for the effort it is making to place the tasks of care, workers and models of care organization at the center of the discussion.
It is unfortunate that while Emakunde is saying “Women up!”, cleaning people are hit by the ground and hands of the Ertzaintza
The movement has shown that it has no intention of letting the claim “Care for the center!” become a discourse without content. This year has called for the collectivization of surveillance tasks, the increase in the value and professionalization of surveillance work, the construction of an emancipating surveillance model that has agreed and published a list of measures for each objective. It should also be noted that this situation is part of a dynamic that comes after March 8, as the feminist movement has announced that there will be mobilizations that will lead to new steps. Contents, Movement, Structures and Way. Initiative and enthusiasm for a mere claim to become a struggle that can bring about profound changes.
It is unfortunate that while Emakunde is saying “Women up!”, let’s see the cleaners hit from the ground and in the hands of the Ertzaintza. Regrettably, place the lawsuit on the glass ceiling, when there is no political responsibility to break the adhesive floor. Women above, yes, when the responsibility and burden of care is shared. Leaders, yes, in the struggles that seek to revolutionize power relations.
Martxoaren 8a hurbiltzen ari zaigu, eta urtero bezala, instituzioek haien diskurtsoak berdintasun politika eta feminismoz josten dituzte, eta enpresek borroka egun hau “emazteen egunera” murrizten dute, emakumeei bideratutako merkatu estereotipatu oso bati bidea... [+]
Martxoak 8aren izaera iraultzailea berreskuratzeko deia egin du Itaia emakumeen antolakunde sozialistak. Irene Ruiz Itaiako kideak azaldu digunez, “oldarraldi erreakzionarioaren eta matxismoaren aurrean proposamen iraultzailea hauspotu eta kontzientzia sozialista... [+]
1958an, emakume baserritarrek Donostiako Erdialdea hartu zuten, esnea saltzea galarazi zitzaiela salatu, eta baserritarren eskubideak aldarrikatzeko. Administrazioak esnearen esklusibotasuna Gurelesa enpresari eman zion, eta baserritarrek Bretxan saltzeari utzi behar izan... [+]
Equality, like pregnancy, exists or does not exist. When there is no equality, there is a difference, that is what you can measure and value. Perhaps the consequences of equality may be unfair to some, but this would place the debate on the consequences, not at all on equality... [+]
Errenteria (Gipuzkoa), 1892. In the caves of Aizpitarte the first archaeological excavations of Gipuzkoa were carried out, at the hand of the group led by Count Lersundi. Eleven years later, in 1903, the king of Spain, Alfonso XIII, visited the site and with this excuse... [+]
I don't know if you've noticed, but lately, reactionary and conservative messages are spreading across social media. One of them is the trend of the tradwife. That word is the abbreviation of the traditional concept of wifi, that is, the traditional wife. This movement proposes to... [+]