Environmental problems
Diana Franco Eguren 2023ko martxoaren 01a

You may have ever read Marshal McLuhan’s phrase “the medium is the message.” With this, Mr McLuhan said that the medium in which the message is inserted becomes part of the message. That with the medium you already understand the message. We have a similar phenomenon with technology, because the technology we have is a reflection of the society we live in.

Interactions between human beings occur in different ways, depending on the nature of people and their possibilities and experiences. Interactions between people are beneficial in most cases and an infinite source of creation, collaboration and solidarity. But sometimes they involve violence, exclusion and dependence. Over the past few decades, we've been mediating these interactions with technologies, and we've learned that the benefits and problems of interpersonal interactions can come about in new ways with technologies. Thus, the digitalization of relationships has brought with it the digitization of violence, the digitalization of consumption, the digitalization of addictions and the digitization of processes has increased exclusion. Old problems in the new media.

Retrieving McLuhan’s phrase, the words “the medium is a message” indicate that we can influence the medium, that is, that the medium has something to say in the problems that arise and that influencing the medium can mean correcting some problems. For example, social media designs and algorithms can be corrected to reduce dependence and violence. We can learn to correct the problems that the environment creates. Will we learn to create technologies that don't reproduce problems from the start?