About things that help us write
Castillo Suárez @casti_suarez 2023ko otsailaren 22a

"Caring for a garden helps write. / Looking out the window helps to write. - Traveling to a place that has not been before helps write. - Driving a summer day following the road helps write. / Sometimes listening to Miguel Bosé helps to write. / Showering one day a week at 4 pm helps write. - Going to the movies a working day at two in the afternoon helps to write. / The lack of tasks does not help to write. - Feeling a little miserable helps write." I like Leila Guerriero's text about things that help us write. I would add snow, when the snowflakes come face to face towards the windshield. Conversations on planes that people have when I'm half asleep. Coffee on Saturdays in the bar near the train station. Laura Ferro's urge, but above all, believing that every line I write makes me better. Press that we don't change the world, but that we move. Because writing is an exercise of belief.