Russian invasion and German humiliation
Asier Blas Mendoza @AxiBM 2023ko otsailaren 22a

It has been a year since Russia invaded Ukraine and many things that we did not know then have been clarified and suspicions have been shown. One of the most significant is what Petro Poroxenko and Volodimir Zelenski explained by saying that Kiev had no intention of complying with the peace agreements in Minsk. Angela Merkel and François Holland have recognised that these agreements were intended to give Ukraine time to rearm and strengthen, both the main promoters of the peace protocol.

The RAND Corporation, which was scheduled for war, has been serving the Pentagon since 1948, as explained in the famous 2019 report. NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg said that since 2014 NATO has granted Kiev unprecedented military assistance, trained, equipped and protected by its armed forces. The Anglo-Saxon axis wanted to use Ukraine to wage war on Russia, so Austin Lloyd, US Secretary of Defense, highlighted the statements he made a few weeks after the invasion: "We want to weaken Russia." For this they needed a long war, so the Anglo-Saxon countries have obstructed all attempts to reach peace agreements. Recently, former Israeli minister Naftali Bennett explained that he had mediated in the negotiations held at the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war and that both sides had the will to get things on track, but that the interviews were sabotaged by the US and the UK. In April 2022 it happened similarly, when with mediation by Turkian Erdogan they reached a peace agreement, but at the last moment, according to the media Ukrainska Pravda (amateur Zelenski), the USA and the UK forced the Government of Ukraine to suspend the negotiation.

The Anglo-Saxon axis planned war long ago, but until 2022 it didn't fully explode because Germany and Russia didn't want it.

The Anglo-Saxon axis planned war long ago, but it did not fully explode until 2022, because Germany and Russia did not want it because they could harm their economies; therefore, German-Russian economic cooperation has continued, as when construction of the North Stream II gas pipeline began in 2018. However, on 24 February 2022, Russia finally took a criminal decision that transgresses international law and began an invasion. A child who suffers harassment and exclusion loses patience and takes a gun, it's like when he gets shot at school. The promises and agreements signed by Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union have remained, and has increasingly felt persecuted.

A year later, militarily Russia is doing nothing well. Winning or losing is relative because it has to do with expectations, which is why Moscow is losing, although the main harmed is the Ukrainian people. As for the economic dimension, the same thing is happening in the Western war against Russia: given the expectations of the initiators, Russia is winning. Among the Western countries, however, the main losers are the European Union and especially Germany.

In this conflict there is a huge transfer of wealth from Western Europe to the US, but not only that, Germany has seen its alleged allies sabotage the peace agreements it has led and have attacked the gas pipelines that drive gas from Russia to Germany, all to the detriment of the German economy. In the meantime, Berlin is not able to say anything in defence of its national interest, it is blind, mute, deaf.