Individual law
Edu Zelaieta Anta 2023ko otsailaren 14a

Delacroix shows the chart La Liberté guidant le peuple (Freedom, guide for the people) at the entrance of human rights, in the Basque Wikipedia. The romantic image of the painter is well provided, I believe that human rights are intimately linked to freedom. I believe, however, that it is a question of cyclically asking what freedom is. At all times.

Today, for example, I do not know whether freedom is the guide of the people. I have many doubts. In view of contemporary discursive practices, it may be better to say that freedom is the guide of the individual, and even more so, that one is the guide of freedom. Thus, witness some claims, each is key in the formulation of freedom and, consequently, some rights.

I am also aware of the previous culture in the Basque Country. On the one hand, they proudly and aloud the right not to learn the language. On the other hand, others claim the free use of language: the right to express themselves in Basque, whatever their social situation. Use others, the Basque people or communication skills! Basically what has not been given to one naturally, effortlessly!