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Better if not

'Hobe ixilik' | NON: Antzoki Zaharra (Donostia) | NOIZ: urtarrilak 27 | egilea: Salomé Lelouch | konpainia:  Txalo Produkzioak | Zuzendaria: Begoña Bilbao | Aktoreak: Itziar Ituño eta Ramon Agirre. // Argazkia: Txalo Produkzioak
'Hobe ixilik' | NON: Antzoki Zaharra (Donostia) | NOIZ: urtarrilak 27 | egilea: Salomé Lelouch | konpainia: Txalo Produkzioak | Zuzendaria: Begoña Bilbao | Aktoreak: Itziar Ituño eta Ramon Agirre. // Argazkia: Txalo Produkzioak'Hobe ixilik' | NON: Antzoki Zaharra (Donostia) | NOIZ: urtarrilak 27 | egilea: Salomé Lelouch | konpainia: Txalo Produkzioak | Zuzendaria: Begoña Bilbao | Aktoreak: Itziar Ituño eta Ramon Agirre. // Argazkia: Txalo Produkzioak
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

It's a couple, a sentimental couple, a woman and a man. They represent a relationship of trust, respect and love. On what subjects there is no fear of leaving contradictions in the air. But this honesty is not reflected in the same way in their attitude towards the world, and everyday life gives them time to talk about it. For example, dialogues and conflicts are based on gender equality, macho attitudes and honesty.

Thirteen short scenes with little chance of disconnection. Quick and interesting transitions, that changing order the props move us in space and in time: bus station, house, bar, school, restaurant... In short, the protagonists share life and have conversations at any time or place, some that seem superficial, but around really deep topics.

Woman or man, who is most male. With this theme acts the author and each scene gives examples of concrete situations. Her granddaughter joins the music school. They preferred the professor to be a woman, but he's a man and he fears being a paedophile. Man will question perspective.

Every situation would be a boxing round. See who wins, who makes more sense. The viewer decides what the favorite is, but I don't know if we bet on the ethically most correct or what we've felt identified. The protagonist shows that machismo is an attitude, which a militant feminist may also have contradictions. And it pulls man away from this idea of being an enemy, making him an accomplice. It is an interesting starting point if at some point man had not politically directed towards the right, if he was offered a solution to the problem or if the existence of the gender problem was contextualized and the agents involved in its execution identified.

Humor is present everywhere, but the issues they address are serious. Joyful music, the resource of dance and positive energy attracts the public, but it poses the risk that, in addition to the play, the theme will be taken with humor. As a couple, it can be understood that they are private issues, a personal and individual phenomenon. Is the effort to promote reflection not bad? If reality were to prove it, the proposal only leads us to accept, laugh at ourselves and follow as always. As if there was no other order. However, someone will have where he is going.

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