Ula Iruretagoiena 2023ko otsailaren 14a

Visiting urban waste collection and reduction sites should be a compulsory school tour. Open a cookie pack to swallow two inner cookies and mentally construct the package surface path. The shame of human activity lies in destiny. Ultimate desolate landscape of the sins of portable hot coffee. The city map is limited by the waste generated by our way of life. Just as the presence of bird species is published in dejection and feathers, the human species footprint is denounced by underground pipes, building bricks or plastic fragments. There is only one approach to the periphery of the cities to see a bag of cistern trucks converted into ikurrina on a branch of the river that serves as a representation of the colonization of the human species. If Oxala's life footprint were limited to the peripheral territories of the cities. We've seen horrifying images of waste agglomerations far from cities, spread all over the world.

And we should all ever see the time for demolition. The energy that is thrown at the time of the destruction of the materials creates an impression; the spectacle causes a tickle between fascination and fear. When construction is carried out in buildings, especially at the time of demolition, waste is generated in tonnes. Although many annexes have been sterilised in the long documentation of an architectural project, the waste management document has an interest in defining the classification by chapters of construction waste. Due to the extraordinary organisation and the economic and temporary demand generated by the selective classification of household waste, the distribution of waste is not always done with due diligence. In contrast, the residual demolition material has started to be reused in the new research, opening creative roads, although the reuse of materials in the construction is scarce. A long way to go.

Thinking about the disaster at the Zaldibar landfill.