Territory and architecture
Out of service
Ula Iruretagoiena 2023ko urtarrilaren 18a

In the first week of the year all the buildings of the University of the Basque Country have been closed. No study library. Limited hours of different cultural centers. Some with the extension of the holiday, others presenting the novelty of the year. On Mondays they will remain closed or delay opening an hour. The door of the physician's room of several health centers is punishable, as it does not wait for anyone after the holidays. These are the closures of public attention spaces, but I'm sure other rooms without public attention would also experience emptying or limiting use.

The spatial novelty of the beginning of the year makes us see the city as a gruyère cheese. It can happen so many times that public administration buildings tell us, "Sorry, we're not working, try it another time."

It is not a total spatial neglect; they are places that, for a time and intermittently, have sometimes been emptied lifeless. More corners for cavities noise. Computers without use. Walls that smell of the abandoned. Spaces with loss of use. Interruptus of life. Reflection of a socio-political situation in the spaces of public buildings.

Public buildings can overload space and therefore have many unnecessary radiators in operation. If we are faced with a spatial study that demonstrates this, spatial needs planning could be carried out, with a reorganization of the spaces that, far from interrupting the service, guarantee a limited cost of heating without spending energy. In some cases, the design of the building will not otherwise allow its use to reduce energy expenditure. But it requires a reflection of public spaces, beyond the subject of energy, to provide an adequate and effective service, because space is also a matter of public management.