Prisoner professor on hamster wheel
Tere Maldonado @teremaldon 2022ko abenduaren 21a

Please wait a few minutes. Programmes are being updated. You cannot upload the page. The equipment must be restarted. Enter password. Sorry, the password is not correct. Please try again. Forgive, the wait has passed, go to the previous step. Select your computer settings. Want to save your settings? An unexpected error has occurred. Select your default browser. Click the 'next' button. Select the wallpaper. No internet connection. Try again in a few minutes. Sorry, the program does not respond. Please restart your computer. Enter user and password. Incorrect user or password. Try again. Incorrect user or password. Try again. Updating some applications on your computer is ready, do you want to update them now? Do you want to update it now? Do you want to update it now? Your computer is in danger, you need to update your antivirus. Accept cookies or click the ‘more information’ button. To access this website you need to register. Do you have a password? Enter the password or register it. Enter user. Incorrect user. Select the document opening program. Incompatible format. This program is not installed on this computer. Download the program. The program is being downloaded. Wait, this can last for a few minutes. The program has been successfully downloaded. You must install the program. Sorry, you do not have permission to install the program. Request authorisation. It has 55 unread messages in the inbox, do you want to read them now? There is no connection. Congratulations, you're the 10,000 user, click the 'accept' button to see your prize. Are you sure you don't want to see your prize? ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE SURE? You must re-enter the password. Select the printer. There has been an error. The system doesn't respond. Please wait. Indicates in which image there are lights. Wrong answer. Indicates in which image a zebra step is found. Correct answer. In 5 seconds you can skip the ad. Within four seconds -- three, two, one, zero. Now you can ignore the ad. Your password has expired. Please enter a new password. Repeat the password. The password is invalid, must contain at least ten characters. The password is invalid, must contain uppercase and lowercase. The password is invalid, must contain numbers and letters. Repeat the password. You've exceeded the number of attempts. Restart the session. Wait, your settings are loading. Do you have an account? Enter the password. Open an account. Do you want to log in via your email? A message has been sent to the mobile phone indicating the code sent in the box. Did you not receive any messages? Password or incorrect user. You have two other attempts. There has been a problem. The equipment has to be shut down. Notice, this is the last attempt. Are you sure you want to leave here?

[Daily bread. Inside the classroom, conducting the exercises at the work table, trying to send a message to families or students, preparing the exams. Disappointing and exciting. The Basque Government signed a good contract a few weeks ago with gigantic multinationals of the Internet and Informatics that has allowed them to master public education. But they haven't calmed down the anxiety, anguish and anxiety that many teachers have when they sit in front of the computer, that shorten our lives. You're probably working on it. Auzolan].