The killer of vulnerability
Ainhoa Mariezkurrena Etxabe 2022ko abenduaren 14a
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'Antigone, or the need for no'. WHEN: 4 December. PLACE: Sarobe Theatre (Urnieta). SCREENPLAY: Collective writing from texts by Sofokles, Jokin Zaitegi, Anouilh, Brecht, Zambrano and Zizek. CREACION: Horman Poster. ACTORS: Xanti Agirrezabala, Maite Aizpurua, Matxalen de Pedro, Jon Ander Urresti. DIRECTOR: Igor de Quadra

What weight does the responsibility of power have? Who and why does it make decisions that affect the plain people? How are the laws that set the social order drafted? When do we adopt attitudes and paths that are contrary to us? How long? We live in fear of being socially excluded and punished legally. In the clash between obedience and disobedience in the work of acceptance or rejection.

It seems like a current debate and, therefore, the collective Horman Poster with the play Antigone, the need of no. Its origin is 2,500 years old. The seed is situated in the classic Greek theatre, narrating the Antigone of its mythology and the story of its family: Pollinizes is dead for fighting the king and his sister Antígón wants to bury her dignified in the face of the refusal of the powerful Creonte. Ismen, her sister, must choose between state loyalty and ethics, between a good citizen or a bad citizen. It is the theatre play that has had the most versions in the history of theatre, which has gained meaning also in Basque and in 2022. At one point, they mention the limits, laws or claims that exist today, and if they do not speak of power, law, prohibitions, limits and courage, disobedience, risk and dignity. And betrayal. Who is the traitor?

As interesting as the subject is how to count. Multiple use, order and disorder literally of the same objects in scenography. Different rhythms and languages to talk about before and now. Bodies and bodies. And the colors: the presence of white that brings us directly to Greece and the contrast of red, which mixes strength, energy and weakness. A life and a death in contrast. The work has the essence of Antigone: brave and disobedient. It's totally contemporary and the image has a lot of strength. In 2021 the play received the Donostia Theatre Award.

As this play is a tragedy, it is clear that the characters will not be able to fight destiny. But everyone will resist defending what they believe, but it is clear that there will be losers. The question is how many ways to die, even if the heart continues to beat.