Oh, DIY!
Beñat Muguruza Aseginolaza @Benatmug 2022ko abenduaren 01

DIY: Do it yourself. Do it yourself. Or your actions. If there's a divine concept in us, and especially in the music world, it's that. In the 1990s, it broke out in these areas, and it looks like it's still a big follower.

In this same magazine we interviewed not so much an amateur musical group as the head of the line, a classic: that they sought the essence of DIY philosophy; a continuous tracking of a kind of sublimation of DIY. Struggle is the way. Almost unique struggle.

The question that comes to mind is perverse, but I am sure they would only manage it if they are consistent: what was Plan B? Or, in other words, if the promoters were keen to organize an endless international tour, with the aim of enriching themselves behind the musicians’ work, they would have missed a management company that managed the group’s massive live sessions, tens of (hundreds?) They would sell. companies, intermediaries, labels, labels?

DIY: 'Do it yourself'. Do it yourself. Or your actions. If there's a divine concept in us, and especially in the music world, it's that.

Because, if none of them is interested, to what extent is the wager radical and not accidental? Does it really have enormous merit, as some musical groups want to sell us in the 1920s? If you have a multinational behind you, and you give up, because you don’t want her to condition your work, or because you think they’re just a bunch of treasury vultures… So yes, then I do understand and admire the choice of having all the aspects of your work controlled.

Making caricature, or continuing with caricature, but not getting too far from reality: either for a special reason, or for mere fetishism, but does culture, art, creative process favor the “manufacture” of 300 albums among the members of the group, as if we were in the school plastic subject? How can this free the author? Who wins?

Another thing is the formation of groups that support themselves, that protect themselves, that try to move forward under an umbrella, and fortunately we have many examples such as Valen, Mukuru, ZART, Erraia, Taupaka, and many others. But if not, those fantastic DIY speeches, aren't they nearly empty? I see him as a self-fulfilling touch, a praise for inferiority, very common in us, as the other said. I am sorry, but at this time I am not convinced.