They had light.
  • One of the first to make the leap to the ARGIA network in the field of Basque culture and Basque communication. The other was the Ttipi Ttapa channel. They had light, sight or luck.
Itsaso Zubiria Etxeberria 2022ko abenduaren 02a
ARGIAren on-line bertsioaren eta beste hainbat berrikuntzen aurkezpena 1999an (argazkia: Alberto Elosegi / ARGIA)
ARGIAren on-line bertsioaren eta beste hainbat berrikuntzen aurkezpena 1999an (argazkia: Alberto Elosegi / ARGIA)

1997 is the turning point of ARGIA. They go from doing the weekly just to feeding the Red Light. They're on the Internet. In a few years they enter a world capable of making things that were previously unthinkable, but gradually opening new windows. At the moment, they have hung the information they have digitized.

One of the first to make the leap to the ARGIA network in the field of Basque culture and Basque communication. The other was the Ttipi Ttapa channel. They had light, sight or luck.

However, in the case of ARGIA the wager with internet cannot be understood outside the logic of the business group AmetzagaiƱa. The computer cooperative Adur, the printing press Antza and ARGIA constituted in 1997 a non-profit entity in the legal form of an Economic Interest Group. The Interactive Iametza was later incorporated. What were the objectives of origin? Cooperation in the development of individual business activities, research and development of new technologies and development of new projects, taking advantage of existing synergies. The aim was, and remains, to meet the research and development needs of the three partner companies so that they could reach the technological level necessary to maintain and strengthen their original aspirations.

Use the pausing internet half part. In a group of technically highly qualified people, they could make this project possible, and ARGIA, without the support of the group, would have difficulties to walk that path to the digital world and lead the Basque Country.

Working on writing in 1999 (photo Alberto Elosegi / ARGIA)

History of ARGIA interviews

Some domestic work had already been done by 1997. Apparently, the printing press itself was largely linked to digitalization and with its help the collection of interviews conducted by ARGIA for years in CD-ROM format was completed. So when they prepared the web, they already had the first material to hang it at everyone's fingertips. From there, they started hanging some fragments of the weekly, which they could not put the entire magazine for a few months, then the contents of the yearbook, the news, the first multimedia works that arrived in 2007, the social networks, and the speed of light to this day.