Global gender fighters, unid!
Amaia Alvarez Uria 2022ko azaroaren 22a
Borrokalari transgeneroak | Leslie Feinberg (Itz.: Fermintxo Zabaltza) | Katakrak, 2021

The editorial Fermintxo Zabaltza and Katakrak brought us five years ago the blues of a great Marie de Leslie Feinberg boy and now bring us another work by the same author: Transgender fighters. The previous work was a novel, a fiction based on the life of the author, and the current one can be found between the essay and the historical dissemination. The novel is highly recommended to follow closely the life trajectory of a trans-American communist worker from the twentieth century, dissident in gender and sex.

Sometimes we will find echoes of the novel cited in the essay, but also more. This last book is a research work, a memory exercise, a call to mobilization: “It’s time we wrote him as an expert in our stories. There is plenty of time that our light has refracted from the prism of others. My goal in this book is to turn history, politics and theory into weapons for a very oppressed part of the population.”

Feinberg carried out an important documentary work to complete the history of the transs, specifically to find the transactions in history and to publicize their struggle and sociopolitical participation. The book offers references that were lacking in her childhood, shows positive images and examples of the transactions and raises reflections and dialogues on sexual and gender issues: “Evidence that gender and gender diversity is global and that trans people were honored once rather than offensive.”

The original version that was published in 1996 and it is beautiful to see to what extent it has not lost the present – which can serve to clarify in the controversy about the proposal of the Spanish Trans Law – and how there has been an evolution – the current alliance between movements: LGTBIQ+ or transfeminism. It is highly advisable, therefore, for anyone who wants to dive deeper into these issues and to know what the hegemonic version of history has hidden to feed intolerance and hatred: “Women’s liberation movements and trans women need each other. All kinds of sexual and gender oppression and allies must be fought together.”