Longtime champion
Montserrat Auzmendi del Solar 2022ko azaroaren 11
Argazkia: E. Moreno Esquibel

Opera I Puritani de Bellini organized by ABAO. Basque Orchestra. Director: Giacomo Sagripanti. Bilbao Opera Choir. Director: Boris Dujin. Scene address: Emilio Sagi. Scenography: Daniel Bianco. Soloists: Jessica Pratt (soprano), Xabier Anduaga (tenor), Andrzej Filonczyk (baritone), Manuel Fuentes (low), Alejandro López (low), Josu Cabrero (tenor), Laura Vila (mezzo). Place: Euskalduna Palace. Date: 15 October.

I do not want to give just a glimmer to us, nor to underestimate the performance of the rest of the soloists of this beautiful production, but the truth is that at home we have a tenor of many carats and we have to give it the place it deserves.

This summer Xabier Anduaga surprised us by the magnificent performance of La fille du régiment at the Musical Fortnight of San Sebastian. That is why we were very curious to see (and hear) whether in this work, specifically in the I puritani opera, all those features outlined above would be demonstrated on this occasion. It can be said that the role of the Arturo de I puritani is one of the most difficult for a tenor. It's actually the role that gives us the quality measurement of the soloist. And in this case the measure was excellent.

However, it was not only Anduaga’s virtues that made this performance one of the best we have seen lately. The activity of the Euskalduna Palace had many positive points. For one thing, the scenography was very beautiful. With the abundance of white and touches of black color, the scenery of Daniel Bianco led us to a dream world, without distorting the historical background of the work, which gave a whole cinematic aura.

In addition, the Basque Orchestra, led by Giacomo Sagripanti, was elegant. He was able to remark without insisting, maintaining at all times a good balance with the voices. Another very positive point of this performance was the magnificent performance of the Bilbao Opera Choir, which had nothing easy in this opera.

Returning to singer Xabier Anduaga, her old glazing and her beautiful middle record glowed. A te o cara arian and Fini my lassa duo, along with soprano Jessica Pratt, another star of the night, fell in love with listeners.

In the camp of the soloists, Anduaga not only opened. As I say, Jessica Pratt did a wonderful Elvira. This character solved with ease and great beauty all its difficulties for the voice. It showed equal parts sweetness and expressiveness.

The rest of the soloists were able to live up to the protagonists. Both Andrzej Filonczyk in the role of Riccardo and Manuel Fuentes in the role of Sir Giorgio Valton effectively fulfilled his interpretations.