What is your first memory of makeup?
Steal the boat from my mother. At the age of 14, I would take off the lip paintings and the base. Then I started buying mine. I liked to make people makeup, but I also wanted to do something more elaborate and artistic. Playing with shadows allows you to take off or add years.
Is the face a canvas?
Yes, I like to draw, but more than one painting. It's a challenge because each face is special.
Do you practice with yourself?
Of course. I work a lot on contouring, that is, giving light with lights and shadows to put or remove volume. Feminizing is harder, but I try to make myself more square or oval. It's about trying and failing.
Your first feminization was with a friend, how do you remember that moment?
A friend of mine told me he wanted to make up, but he wanted to look good. I really liked it, and that stimulated me. That's where Luna Femme was born.
How would Luna Femme define?
It was a dream and a hobby that has come true today. I want to make happy people who have not had the opportunity to see themselves as they want. This is an alternative, but I would like it to be normal and normalised. What is standard or standard?
Where does a feminization start?
Start with a skirt, paint your lips or eyes. With what is related to femininity, always in quotation marks.
Is there a lot of disinfection? How do you explain what you do?
Yes, there's a lot of misinformation and people mix things up. I tell you with a smile that what I do is help everyone who wants to feminize, regardless of gender. I want people to feel good and enjoy that moment. That's the key.
She says that what happens in feminizations stays in feminizations. Why is confidentiality important?
To feel safe, when I walk out in the street with the friends of those who feminize, I see that people still have a lot of biases and stigmas. We must raise awareness.
I'd like to give talks, for example, in schools. When my children ask me: "Can I get out mother with this?" I say: "If you come out with this, people look at you, but it doesn't matter, because you like what you're wearing, and you're happy with what you've put on."
Do your kids ask for feminizations?
Rather than feminization, I am asked to paint my nails and make eyeliner.
How do feminizations affect the social imaginary of gender?
Each person feels one way or another, some connect to one gender, others to another, or some more than others. Feminizations change everything, and people don't. From the outside look changes according to people and there will always be someone in discord.
Do you tend to adhere to gender stereotypes with feminizations?
I always ask them what they want and how they want to feel. Many times they tell me they want to feel glamorous, sexy and pretty. Other times they ask me for more neutral makeup, or beard and long wig. Although there are those who look for a nonbinary aspect. I therefore work accordingly. Some may approach stereotypes, but it depends on what people demand.
So is it important to listen to the needs? Are you a good listener?
Yeah, I'm very empathetic, and I hear a lot, because I want people to be comfortable. I like people to feel comfortable and have looked good. I want to turn a normal person into a diva. In addition, the energy generated is enormous.
What kind of people have you met?
Nice people, we share life. I ask you what title you want to use in Spanish, when you want them to use it, if you have a name that doesn't appear in the ID. Many of us don't have a name and we usually speak at the moment. Even if I don't say that, everyone dreams of a name. Many times they tell me at the end.
Many of them you've met in Harritu's closet, what's the time you enjoy most?
In the end it's not just makeup, people try wigs and clothing. It's very nice when people come, and when you try a lot of things, and even though you try one thing a thousand times when you encourage others to try.
“From my mother all are artists, I thought I didn’t have that essence.” Then he sees that he is also an artist. She has studied hairdressing and, on many occasions, what could be done with the makeup she cared for to make up a little. So she started learning thanks to YouTube videos, and thanks to a feminization that a friend asks her, she's now a makeup artist. Amayuki Luna Femmen is known by most: “I have a dream.”