More edges than cats
Iker Barandiaran @IkerBarandiara 2022ko azaroaren 03a
Feline | Family Spree recordings, 2022

Sometimes you have to combine a lot of elements to get a result you haven't anticipated. This has happened in some way with the Feline group, created between Gernika and Bermeo. Iñaki Baini, from the Punk First Aid group, started playing with electronics at home and recorded some models. Ainhoa (Labana, Seda...) and Rubén (Audience) from other musical coordinates were taught songs and given a renewed touch. Finally, they were joined by Eneko of Pure Hatred.

It's all been here: flip the songs from the base models, record ten songs in the Silver Recordings by Martin Guevara, from the Capsula group, bet on the Family Spree Recordings label and start playing live. And look, what they do is cool and it's getting hot. It is no coincidence that “Feline” is the name of one of the albums of the Stranglers group; its footprint is noted and, undoubtedly, keyboards and synthesizers have an important weight in the result, but they go beyond.

It's rare that among us, in addition to giving so much importance to melodies, we care about slogans and crowns that way. They also produce a large salad of style that catches each other.

Always, for example, has new-wav with intrigue, but also rock -and-roll with guitar. Your road is more dancing, interspersing voices and with garage touches, a hit. I hate you! The melody of the song is also not easy to forget: it has a more intense rhythm, is power-pobut and, like most, is sticky. The eye is darker and at the same time popero. The song Too sad will intercalate the Ramonian line and a more spatial atmosphere. The song So alone jumps from pope to barley and, why not, to american. Emotion, it's a power-pop infected by your Stranglers. Looking, a pop gem standing in California, in its natural time. A powerful lily between Ian and Myra Fuzztones, Jotakie and Ama Say. And to round off, a good reading of the great New York ballade How do you think it feels, written at another time.