Itxaro Borda 2022ko urriaren 26a

Is the dream of politicians coming to power a tabula rasa? The corners, the institutions, the structures, the solidarity, the deactivation of the unions, make this governed world a reset and for the millennials to come, have a clear and clear intention of restarting the machine. It is the role of neoliberalism today, online or rather than Messianic ideologies from previous decades. The leaders intend to guarantee, as in Italy or Hungary, an unquestionable authority in the air, sometimes folding at the far right, the symbols of development and military force.

Macro also goes down that path. There is no need for reform of the retas in France, but man has it in his head and will certainly allow it, on the one hand, for the benefit of the pension funds that support the economic acquis after privatisation, and on the other, because his supposed authority is rooted in that reform. Discuss recently: “Ce qui se joue, c’est mon autorité” (My authority is at stake).

Children of the powerful drivers of the remnants pay expensive to citizens, especially the most vulnerable.