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Other Mozart

  • Salzburg, Austria, 29 October 1829. M. A. The composer Mozart dies. Some music lover might think there are several errors in this phrase, because Mozart died almost 40 years earlier, in Vienna, and his initials W. Because it was A. But the one who died that day at 78 was Maria Anna Mozart, also nicknamed Nannerl, Wolfgang Amadeus's older sister.
Mozart anai-arrebak txikitan. Zaharrenaren lanik ez zaigu iritsi; gazteena historiako musikagilerik garrantzitsuenetakotzat daukagu. (argazkia: Pietro Antonio Lorenzoni)

The truth is that there are no big differences between childhood. Wolfgang Amadeus and Maria Anna Mozart were the two prodigious children and Father Leopold made the most of the virtues of both organizing exhibitions in the most important cities of the time. From a young age, both had an extraordinary ability to play the key and the piano, even composing. Maria Anna was also very good at singing and, being the older sister, was partly a professor of her brother.

Exploiting the musical talent of a girl who was then well seen, but not that of women. In 1769 Nannerl reached the age of marriage and his father interrupted his daughter's public life. The following year he would only bring his son Wolfgang to Italy.

The waste of Maria Anna Mozart's talent cannot be attributed solely to the paternal whim, influenced by the prejudices of that time and other times.

No works composed of Nannerlek have been saved. According to Australian researcher Martin Jarvis, some of the book compositions that the Mozartarras used to practice piano are theirs. But, in the absence of evidence, the only testimony is his brother's words. Because in Wolfgang's letters his brother said his sister's works were very beautiful and he asked him to follow componiendo.Como wrote the musical producer
Maynard Solomon, "Mozart was inspired by the interpretation of Mary Anna at the age of three, wanting to be like her sister." Wolfgang will then send him his compositions for correction and criticism.

The waste of Maria Anna Mozart's talent cannot be attributed solely to the paternal whim, influenced by the prejudices of that time and other times. And so, unfortunately, the Mozart brothers are not the only case. It happened similarly with the Chopin brothers, and thanks to a letter from Frédéric Chopin we know that his sister Ludwika “made the perfect one.”

And so did the bertsolaris Xenpelar, in duplicate. The sister of Juan Francisco de Petria, María Luisa, and especially her daughter, Joxepa Antoni Aranberri, were also skilled in verses. But the gifts of his sister and nephew remain in the shadow of Xenpelar men.

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