What do I lose if I lose my phone?
Diana Franco Eguren 2022ko urriaren 19a

The mobiles we have, like never before, create the image of our environments and ways of life. The introduction to digital information consists of numerous electronic components (sensors): Camera, micro, touch screen, accelerometer, barometer, gyro, GPS, fingerprint reader, pedometer, ambient light sensor…

With this ability to capture our world, mobiles create reliable photos of our lives. Therefore, the loss of mobile phone is an important responsibility in people and, in view of this risk, the need for computer security arises. In this case, computer security is the strategy that we generate so that all this information doesn't end in third hand if we lose the device and we can recover it ourselves.

I make backups. But the computer that receives these backups must be cared for and maintained by you, with your small capabilities and a tendency to obsolescence and breakage of devices. Thus, many companies have been set up in the world offering a deposit service. Some have to pay and ensure security and privacy. Others are free and guarantee security by turning our privacy into the raw material of your business model.
Imagine a young foreigner who has nothing on the way to rebuild his personality in a new place. And to imagine that migration is a global problem, that people need information and what they want to manage.

This week I have a workshop with 35 young people. The world of these young people is on their mobiles, not just on the clouds that connect from the mobiles they use. They are young people with a high visibility of their privacy, as they are highly institutionalized. The fact that your digital world is safe, recoverable, is closely related to being or not. I often get black or white with privacy issues, but I think in this case I have to move in the gray.