Ainhoa Aldazabal Gallastegui 2022ko urriaren 20a
Faxismoaren aurka borrokan | Clara Zetkin (Itz.: Maialen Berasategi) | Katakrak, 2022

I've already learned that even if a book is short or small, it doesn't have to be easy, light or superficial. And yet, it often surprises me when an object that has no weight in the backpack makes me think a lot, when I feel the need to read the sentences twice.

The book published by Katakrak in 2022 has been a delicious first for those of us who knew the author. So far we have not been able to read in Basque what Zetkin has written. Rosa Luxembourg, contemporary and friendly, is known among us, but Zetkin has been in the desert of oblivion for many years and has suffered the fate of women in history (H): lack of recognition and interest.

In the fight against fascism, the book contains several passages: Besides two important texts written by Zetkin, the entry of the editorial, a conference and a text by John Riddell, along with the annex of people and institutions.

It is a book that is carefully read from the beginning. In some sections it can be dense and give a feeling of overload. What we will read is the voice of a thinker and theoretical who makes a prudent and critical analysis of the time when he lived in an approach loaded with historical, political and economic references.

He uses in his speech the passionate tone of those who have clear ideas and intends to draw attention and ask the reader to wake us up against fascism. We will sit down – if I have used the present, it is not because I have escaped grammatical error, but because the actuality of the texts is scary – “it is especially important to awaken the prolarian sectors that fascism has bitter and poisoned”.

The first is a sensible and, for example, full argument text to break with the idea of a coherent and unyielding fascism intended to sell the hegemonic discourse. It proposes a comprehensive proposal to deal with fascism in the second text. In the introduction and in the other two texts we will find additional information that will help us locate the author and the historical era.

The finding that this writing of a century ago, besides making sense today, is still useful for the situation we are in, leads me to think that, on the one hand, Zetkin was a smart, quick and charismatic woman who wanted to eradicate. On the other hand, as a political proposal, it is very much to be thankful that Katakrak has translated the Basque language and published the book. Let the book be a tool that allows us to rethink and understand our world.