Digital multiservice
Diana Franco Eguren 2022ko urriaren 13a

No, I have not been wrong, I have written the verse intentionally. Last week, a friend told me the wonders of the metaphors for the disabled. I, however, when I think about Mark Zuckerberg’s metaverse, see nothing but a strategy to redominate digital human relations, creating a new market. Mr Zuckerberg is prepared to put the money needed to drive change, to have the power in his hand.

This person is interesting, of course, that the benefits are not limited to people with mobility problems, especially when relating on an equal footing.

Digital is a very young thing. What we can create with this digital mud is very diverse. It collects mutations all the time, digital absorbs different cosmovisions of different human beings: political, relational, cultural, economic cosmovisions -- but meanwhile, street people are hard to decide between them, what is our role in digital transformation? Because there are also those who tell us what is digital, only what moves us to use a dynamic, because the world is changing, because works are changing, because what we knew is no longer useful... Because exclusion is not an opportunity.

But that exclusion is also something that emerges. What is the digital world that your superiors would create? What is the digital world that people who don't know how to read or write would create? What is the digital world that ecologists would create? What would blind people create? And the digital world that would create an invalid? What would teachers create?

The metaverse is small, the verse is more interesting, slower, more adapted, more human.