Ane Labaka Mayoz 2022ko urriaren 05

Few bees, little honey in honeycombs. Scarce coral reefs under the sea and mountain glaciers, hayedos and robledales. Scarcity of dense forests, progressive decline of green lung forests. Shortage of undrained land; about to dry. Low moss. Shortage of lagoons, lakes and rivers. Ice scarcity, drinking water. Few seeds, few minerals. Wheat, low cocoa. Coltan, copper, coal, lithium, nickel, oil, scarce natural gas. Blue whales, polar bears, koalas, turtles, penguins, little wolves. Few butterflies (in childhood memories they always appear much more than now).

Scarcity of small shops in the village. Low season, low native. Fewer and fewer vegetable gardens. Hope of eternal life, but low birth. Scarcity of decent employment contracts, scarcity of social aid, scarcity of care networks, lack of pensions. Poor rational rental. Little youth emancipation. Lack of real conciliation possibilities. Women in the scarce decision-making spaces. Scarcity of handles for body builders. Few promises of the future for researchers. For those who come from outside there are few hostels, papers and respect, always depending on the color of skin and eyes and hair. Scarcity of places in nursing homes; lack of free beds in hospitals. Few doctors, answering machine to the phone's fire that sounds and sounds all morning in the local health center. Poor patience, long waiting lists, endless waiting lists. At least everything that remains public by name.

Human rights shortage. Little freedom of expression. Poor justice. Empathy, solidarity, precariousness. Lack of self-criticism, awareness, concern. Few leaps from theory to practice. Few real alternatives, and those that exist, invisible. Imagination, creativity, little illusion. Courage, strength, unwillingness to undertake. Laughter is scarce.

Hours of poor sleep. Prolonged laying times on the couch are scarce. Insufficient leisure time. Little time for the kitchen. Little sexual time. Limited reading time. Not long. Scarce body. Insufficient breathing.

“Discomfort is nourished by the well-being of the few.”

In the book Landura by José Luis Otamendi recently stood out with a pencil and I have with me the phrase since then. The times of prosperity will end. Now the basic is scarce and urgent.