Nobody creates anything individually
Diana Franco Eguren 2022ko irailaren 28a

Many times in the creation process loneliness is needed; we seek time to organize and make the ideas that are in our minds. This issue, the one of loneliness, has always been a headache for me, I really like to be in solitude sometimes, but in society we lonely are not very famous. Perhaps because we have confused two words: loneliness and individuality. Doing something quiet, focusing on what I'm doing, I really enjoy, I enjoy loneliness. But although I'm just making this text right now, this text is not an individual work, it's a text driven by the Argia team, driven by the child care by my mother and my partner, which brings the knowledge I've learned from many people, driven by the LibreOffice text editor, driven by those who have made the LibreOffice Basque... I'm alone, but I don't think anything individually.

In our society, though, we mix both words a lot, signaling the spirit of loneliness and extolling individuality, because we've created business relationship models to assign economic profitability to individuality through licenses and patents. And people who want to separate the creation of social dynamics generate vulnerations to walk to the rentabilidad.El feminist point of view has reminded us again that nobody believes anything separately; someone took care of him as a child, someone fed him, someone got educated, someone cared for him to
be dressed and healthy, and the same thing in what you do: as human beings we will never be isolated beings of knowledge. At some point, we may think of the absurdity of separating – isolating – knowledge from society.