Koldo Aldalur Hirigoien 2022ko irailaren 22a

I think it was at a time when they demolished the Berlin Wall and liberated Nelson Mandela. That is, a long time ago…
A dozen and a half professors from different Euskaltegis and universities have met to discuss how they should conduct the EGA tests they have put in.

When directing the work, account is taken of what each has to do with the substance of the debate. You cannot agree. For some, over and above all other abilities, what has to be considered is the communicative capacity of the student, others give special importance to correction.

Now that I've started working as a professor, I have a lot of work to know where the wind blows.

“Being attentive and silent is not a bad way in these cases,” and I’ve shut myself down.

In this sense, by surprise, one of the professors has brought photocopies of five examination papers that they themselves have put in the last call. The faculty has a couple of hours to analyze the works and decide if they are able to overcome the regulated barrier. Two hours have passed easily.

The two selected works have given rise to little debate, no doubt acceptable. The presentation to the study has apparently been the author's only serious relationship with the Basque Country. The other two have sparked debate among the correctors. For some teachers they are totally valid, they are far from exceeding the level required for others.

“So here’s who runs the test” is the first idea that has come to me.

On my way home, another question that has begun to revolve around me is whether the examiners who met there had come to the exam that year, would everyone have given the minimum level required of the students to pass the test?The demolition of the
Berlin wall I do not know whether the two Germans have joined or more and Nelson Mandela died.

I have a list of criteria for evaluating the wording of the current C-2 study. Adequacy, coherence, cohesion, wealth and correction: relationship with the interlocutor and the mission, mission tone, modalization of the lexicon, logical thread, integrity of ideas, use of cohesion mechanisms, use of lexical substitutions, lexicon related to the theme…

I do not know whether the C-2 proofreaders are currently meeting to decide what and how to evaluate. Surely everyone has the compulsory title C-2, which they ask of others, but could they pass the test led by another? Maybe I don't know, but being an expert isn't always enough to be an expert.

Before and now it has always been very meritorious and very grateful to run the tests.