Putxito, pull another one!
Iñigo Satrustegi @InigoSa 2022ko urriaren 06a
Argazkia: Zoe Martikorena

Bringing 12,000 people together for a concert is not easy. And it's no easier to organize all those people into. No to Navarre Arena, the track line turned around Sadar's football field, and the stands also turned around: now here, now there.

C Tangana
WHEN: 3 September
WHERE:Navarra Arena (Pamplona)

Situation to be introduced and analyzed. The crowd. Varied fauna. Many Cayetans, but also a lot of known people. Everyone, in any case, looking at the three screens on the stage, which gave the direct image of the audience, which bore the name of the C Tangana tour: No singing or fine-tuning.

The hobby whistled any gesture that seemed to start; it waited half an hour. In the end, the show went up and started. Dividing the stage into three, an orchestra, a band, a trio that makes crowns and a plató as a terrace in a luxury hotel of the 1960s. A bar-actor, circling musicians. On the screen, Starring: Antón Álvarez as Pucho, usual credits at the beginning of films. I was with too many stimuli, not knowing what to look at, but not losing sight of the film.

The first two songs weren't particularly known, and maybe that's why people around us sat down. But from the third? It was almost impossible to stand still. We then went through all the styles and rhythms it plays in El Madrileño, performing a performance for each song. Table, as in Tiny desk, in the song representing the floral crown, sitting at the table with the guitarist, or only in songs closer to trap or electronics.

He spoke little and when he represented a prepared interview he was not understood much. No Christmas. Pamplona up and down did not fulfill the slightest hope that Pamplona was going to say. And the movie ended to realize. He said the screen. It was weird, he fired and jumped down the hall with the whole band, but we thought there would be something else.

I had heard that before El Madrileño, Antón, C Tangana or Putxito embarrassed the neighborhood. But for this tour, he rides a film in his head, which literally leads to the stage. Many would have taken words after yesterday. Yes, the one who came to see a concert brought home a 60 euro film.