Towards Ubuntu
Diana Franco Eguren 2022ko irailaren 08a

For many, this word is related to technology, for others to the idea of a model of peaceful society. Ubuntu is a word related to the way Desmond Tutu faced Apartheid in South Africa.

Ubuntu is the word to mediate the relationship between people. The technology we use in the same sense is also created to mediate interpersonal relationships. It is capable, for what purpose…

In the words of Desmond Tutu, a person with Ubuntua is open and available to others, supports others, does not feel threatened when other people are capable and good at something; is convinced that it is part of a great whole. This whole is affected when some people humiliate, despise, torture or crush others.

Free software has a message in itself to bring to the world the accumulation of many works, I would say that free software has Ubuntua.El free software, just as amama-aitites prepare a good dinner, it is a set of techniques full of knowledge designed to improve life and make it more delicious, with kindness and caring for the other. And it brings in that whole.

To understand that we live in a complete system, that the damage that I do to another is a damage that I do to the whole system, and that to avoid it, little by little, everyone is introducing corrections in their behaviors, that is the recipe to guide our ways of life towards Ubuntu. As in the poem “Itakara bidaia”, we may never reach Ubuntu, but if it is affordable to be a vital goal, the idea of reaching Ubuntu can be a compass to guide steps in one’s own life.