Over-freedom is expensive. We pay expensive. At least they want us to believe that. Yes, certain individuals will pay for freedom at a high price under this patriarchal regime. The feminist movement predicted that this summer would be serious, the pandemic and the return of that stop would hit hard the subjects of the peripheries of all times. We've become accustomed to reading the news attacks as a weather forecast, as a point on the agenda: a physical assault, a rape, a beating from a former partner to a woman, another at parties that I don't know where they've punctured, that have drugged young girls somewhere else ... My head also makes a list and without noticing we have become accustomed to saying “another”. I don't want more.
Under the skirts I have put pants for the Bilbao parties, just in case. I've come home just in case with men and I've been drinking from the bottle so I don't get drugged
This summer has been imagined as an extreme abnormality, but it was built by traditional social, economic and political structures. Because it's not this summer, because it's not an abnormality alien to our lives, it's our day to day. The problem is not, but the solution is to limit our freedom. "We knew this was the situation and, of course, how we dare to get out of the juerga without men", "how we got worse to get drunk until we remember the facts of the day before", "we don't care about our glasses", "pull out the skirt with so short", "call attention", "die late and alone", "tie up with a man who knows that night", "pull out as prevention. But all of these tasks are focused on us. We must leave practices considered dangerous so that our body and our lives are safe. But despite what they tell us to do, the story has reaped all the positions. We always do what we do, our responsibility, our responsibility and our guilt.
It is fundamental to understand where the discourse is constructed, how some reproduce a truth until it becomes absolute truth. We have internalized who should be fear, which subjects can perform the aforementioned practices and which cannot. "Say a lie a thousand times, repeat textually, soon see reality." And by the time I realize it is also true in this girl who is reporting all this. Under the skirts I have put pants for the Bilbao parties, just in case. I've come home just in case with men and I've been drinking from the bottle so I don't get drugged. I've been led to believe that that's the key to "no more," but the supposed key doesn't work.