I get contradictions in art competitions. On the one hand, they place artists and works of art within the dynamics of competitiveness, leaving aside the transformative and collective character of art and placing them within the mercantilist logics, but it cannot sometimes be denied that many artists are a way of making themselves known. At least the case of the Titibil competition is a unique opportunity to learn about the work of young artists working in Bizkaia. On 14 July the works selected for Tibil 2022 were publicly presented at the Rekalde Room in Bilbao. Until 16 October we have the opportunity to see fifteen other selected works, in addition to those of three winning artists.
Exhibition Wimbil Bizkaia
WHEN: 14 July - 16 October
WHERE:Sala Rekalde (Bilbao)
In Sala Rekalde we meet the work of Alazne Zubizarreta, winner of this edition. The mondragonese presented a piece composed of twenty-four engraved Clotet Cream, made with water ink and water-etching techniques. Alazne's work is very beautiful and suggestive. It builds a world of pleasure and pleasure, and it offers us twenty-four photographs of that wonderful world that seem out of sleep or a video game. The devilish connects admirable beings with geometric shapes that are visual pleasure, offering a panorama of a world through twenty-four open windows.
The second award-winning work is a portrait of Lucia Pedregal in which you see the artist and his cat. Through this piece Pedregal wanted to reflect the self-knowledge and recognition of his fellow travellers. The third prize has been Sea of God from Barakaldo. He has presented three pieces of ceramic following the line he has worked in recent years, three sensual and elegant pieces, which he has used to represent intermediate moments in the creative process.
The exhibition also offers the possibility of seeing works of 15 other young artists not awarded. These include a great degree of technical eclecticity – video, photography, painting and sculpture, etc. – and the intentionality of the pieces. Mireya Moral, for example, has two opposing photographs in melancholy black and white to form a single image. Maider Gonzalo completes on Mi Crush an image that looks like a painting on a table with tape. However, Paula Huarte once put them seven pieces of ceramic. Handkerchief are children in training when a bubble covers their heads.
Plentiful harvest this year has been collected and shown by Tibili. After his stay in the Rekalde Hall, the exhibition begins a tour of Bizkaia, visiting Arrigorriaga, Basauri, Santurtzi and Balmaseda.
On Monday afternoon, I had already planned two documentaries carried out in the Basque Country. I am not particularly fond of documentaries, but Zinemaldia is often a good opportunity to set aside habits and traditions. I decided on the Pello Gutierrez Peñalba Replica a week... [+]
The search, the continuous search for a path, implies discovering what we do not want or expect. An artist should feed this appetizing search if he wants to keep his spirit alive. Your career is also going to need a big head office. Looking for new ways, uncovering and expanding... [+]
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