We had the end of the course, when at the end of last June I published a collaboration with some questions about the education system. In the end, you might remember, I invited the dear readers to ask more questions. The invitation, everything has to be said, semi-symbolically, I threw it in a real medium, but to my surprise and happiness, they began to emerge from the restlessness, to appear there and here, and finally to reach my hands. Here's a sample of the dozens received.
Good courses for all Basque educators. Let's see if this year we're going to make the revolution!
• Why do we act as if we knew the best for children, without asking them directly?
• Why do we base teaching on the search for the students' good answers and not on the development of the ability to ask good questions?
• Why are child school workers less prestigious among educators, if it is the first years of life that leave the most trace in the configuration of a person?
• Why does the task of educating not so much caring? Isn't it more nice to care for children than to educate?
• Why are inclusion plans necessary if we understand that students are plural and that all students are different?
• Why don’t we devote the time it would really need to turn it into meaningful learning? Why do we prefer the amount of content than the quality?
• Why are we always stressed? Why do we want to scream when we leave school? Why does the school have some capacity to prevent the well-being of its participants?
• Why are schools and life so angry?
• Why are sciences much more important in school than humanities? Why have we banished the art of school?
• Why do Basque children leave school without ever hearing that Euskal Herria is a dominated nation?
• Why (and where) has the school lost its head? And the heart?
• Why is the school so far away from nature?
• Why is there financial support for children’s schooling – transportation, dining room… – and not for children to be home longer with their parents?
• Why do we try to foster cooperative learning if we simultaneously boost competitiveness through qualifications?
• Why do children have to sit for so long?
• Why do we put the interests of the system before the needs of the student?
• Why have we forgotten it so easily when we were 5 or 15 years old? Why do we have so much difficulty turning them into those adults that we wanted at that age?
• Why do we think it's the best way to measure a person's knowledge when we all know that we forget what we've learned?
• Why ask for permission to go to the bathroom?
• Why ask for permission for everything? Why always the teacher? Why do teachers almost never ask for permission at all?
• Why is the hidden curriculum of the school so unnoticed, through which the school performs the most "education" work, and we are so concerned about the obvious?
• After all these questions, and many others we could ask, why are we so afraid to do things differently?
• Why are we afraid to leave the school system?
Thank you all, luck and courage!
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The... [+]
WHEN: February 2nd.
IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.
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