It took me 24 years to visit Larrabetzu Gazte Eguna, but I have more than them to come back – I hope – and thank you. I knew that Larrabetzu is not a village with few young people, or at least I knew that those who are there are not standing and making noise. What I didn't know was that, apart from the youth from the outside, there are also many young people from within. Therefore, the festive atmosphere of the Gazte Eguna covers all the people throughout the day.
J Martina
WHEN: August 6:
Larrabetzu (Gazte Eguna)
I was already in the area in February, when the J Martina group presented the album Hori Bai Jaio naiz. The excuse to approach the Gazte Eguna was enough and the group's night concert (with Javi's permission) larrabetzuarra spare. In the orchard of Arrate's amatxi we left the mounted tent, eat the best rice we have eaten in a popular meal, relive what an electrotxaranga is and enter the square, emptying the hearts, ready to fill it.
The town square is hanging. The own, the attendees from the environment and not so close, those who have come expressly to the concert and those who happen to see. For the first time a group of Larrabetzu touches the Gazte Eguna in the town square, if I am not mistaken. In recent months the group has offered and offered popular concerts and not all the scenarios that have been oppressed since February with the presentation of a new work have been useless. The songs have matured and, with them, the trio on the tablate: technique, postural… in every way. They have given songs of their new album, old from time to time – how not – and Prato Green Girl and Anari Ephemérides to their field. Synchronized choreographies not previously prepared have been a demonstration of connection between sisters.
Members of the Larrabetzu group have learned in Bai what live music is, and have said they owe a lot to the teenager who is his second home, thanking him for his collaboration. They control nervousness, reach a slider and beautiful balance between nerves and pleasure, a cross between tension and security necessary to enjoy the quiet concert. And you can see it from afar.
In addition to the back bridges, the street and the wheat field, Larrabetzu Square and ours have caught fire today. And also yours, I would say. There are a lot of criteria for deciding whether or not to like an artist, but there's one I put above anyone else: whether I believe or not. And other things I don't know, but believe me, these I totally believe.
Kutixik Non
Festival: In the Casa de Cultura de Intxaurrondo, in San Sebastián.
When: 26 October.
It is a musical initiative that emerged in Donostialdea and aims to "collectively confront the music industry that wants precarious,... [+]
WHEN: 31 August.
WHERE: Plaza 23 de September.
On Saturday night, the Erandio festivities and the storm have fired the month of August. The concert of the zumaiarra band Eire is announced for 22:00 p.m. Lately the group... [+]
WHEN: 1 September.
WHERE: Sala Zentral de Pamplona.
For many it is the last day of vacation. "A plan to bring a good end to the summer." On Sunday night, the Zentral Hall hosted a group of spectators who... [+]
When: 11 August
Where:Ermita de Santa Clara (Ondarroa)
We've gone to try to survive the heat on the coast, we've bathed in the beach that was being emptied, dining out and watching the concerts of Santa Clara Day... [+]
Summer comes and with it the popular festivals of towns, neighborhoods and cities. Festivities have always been the refuge of social and political demands, neighborhood relations and popular euphoria. They take our streets and for a few days they are an example of... [+]
Bi edizio baino ez zaizkio geratzen elkartasun jaialdiari. Antolakuntzak iragarri bezala, ohiko jaialdia eginen dute abenduaren 28an, eta 2025eko uztailean lau eguneko jaialdi berezi baten ostean, agur esateko une gazi-gozoa helduko da. Aritz Colio Hatortxuko antolakuntzako... [+]
WHEN: February 23.
PLACE: Sala Totem de Villava.
We had no doubt that Pello Reparaz and his band prepared the show, the question was how it was. The first three concerts of Aaztiyen tour in Villava –(sic.) In... [+]
The last crusade, the last pleasure, the last sigh... The repertoire of Basque music dedicated to the last is prolific. The latter, moreover, gains added value when it cannot be predicted, even if groups are increasingly measured when and how to say goodbye.
Recently, Huntza... [+]
Mefsst! Feminist musical revolt
WHEN: 24 February
WHERE: Hiruputzu youth centre in Zarautz
Mefsst starts with the Ainara Legardon conference! Second day of the festival in the gaztetxe Hiruputzu of Zarautz,... [+]
Mice + Nakar + Les Sauvaje MJ
Where: At the Athenaeum of
Elorrio When: 23 December 2023.
[Photo: Ainhoa Iraola]
Premiere of the new season of the Ateneo music cycle. All tickets exhausted. So they told us, when... [+]
Dismissed by Willis Drummond
Where: Casa de Cultura de Intxaurrondo, San Sebastián
When: 5 January
Guests: Zetkin, Elvis Caino DJ, Indez DJ and Zumitren DJ.
... we will ever say. Go see him, but no longer. On 5 January... [+]