Who we are and what we want to be ...
Nekane Txapartegi 2022ko uztailaren 23a

Unconscious day-to-day exercise has become a topic during your stay in the Basque Country. I haven't been there for many days and I've been squeezing my breath several times... I'm an observer trying to find and rediscover my people. If I didn’t want to see things before or if we’ve made a big setback, who we are, what we wanted to be…

Oppressed peoples have common tendencies: on the one hand, the attitude of believing that they cannot be oppressors as oppressed peoples; and on the other hand, the will to say that they are international, making known their characters or places. While Ocalan’s image, presided over by the Kurds, and Jineology (the science of women) are spreading, the Basque institutions have decided to designate the feast of Elcano.

"As long as the image of Ocalan, imprisoned by the Kurds, and Jineology (women's science) is disseminated, the Basque institutions have proposed themselves as Elkano's feast"

At a time when the debate on decolority is in the middle of the world, when states are crumbling from the plazas, the lords of Euskal Herria have chosen to sell the Basque label with men who have used colonialism, exploitation and slavery instead of remembering forms of struggle and resistance, places or people. In the hope that they will know us in the world, like Gaztelugatxe, with the consequences that this entails… Unfortunately, I have realized that this trend goes beyond institutions on a warm summer day.

I've been to San Sebastian and I've been hit by the words of a tour guide. In Spanish, he has thrown other choruses between the stacks: “Here before the arrival of the Romans, Argiñano spoke Basque.” My daughter has seen my intention, she has asked me “Mom don’t tell me anything.” I have put the questions to you: Is this the way we tell who we are? Adapting the story to what Spaniards or tourists want to hear? Turn resistance into a joke?

We continued our journey to Hondarribia. My daughter and I have decided to tell the people we hear about in Basque. Today ten, most with dogs and children, then with the Spaniards… I told you what is celebrated in the alarm and attitude towards the women of the fundamentalists. I am surprised to hear my words. Bourgeois and right-wing tourism in my eyes and ears. Sitting by the beach waiting for friends. They have put us in a surreal situation without asking. A five-year-old boy who goes to a German school in Madrid, shows the middle finger and mocks the other French boy of his age, who was naked.

The Basque hairstyle has squeezed my breath. How is it possible to see stickers because the language of the Basque Country is spoken?

Signs indicate which other languages you know where we live...
Who we are and what we want to be (no) is on sale! ! !