The beauty of quiet
Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram 2022ko uztailaren 20a
Lasai Ederrean | Adrian Perez | Balio dute, 2022

Euskal Herria will not issue stories like Searching for sugar man. What we are going to do is diminished and disadvantaged. But this small town, and the great hell, is the one that has given many myths that come out of the shadows and come back into the shadows.

In the 1980s, Donostiarra Adrian Pérez had his musical baptism with the Mogollon group. He was one of the founders of this group and formed the Donosti Sound seal along with other groups of the time. But the famous was made with the Mal de ojo runba group for walking around and around.

Adrian Pérez deploys her first solo album with the same vibrations as Sugar man. Esaidazu has the secret of this hidden DNA of the song. I don't know what that secret is, but it's easily identified. When you hear me, you don't know if it's the first time or if you always know the song, whether or not I sang out loud in my teenage years.

Far from the close comparison with Sixto Rodríguez, he has melancholy works, but it is a joyful job – we cannot ask less in these times, right? A distant voice that looks like the singing of life and a sample. The dark tremors here put the neck to dance.

The shadow of death can be the chorus of the song that captures the essence of the disc. With a few notes he is able to move the song of place and leave a beautiful melody in memory, and the bittersweet taste of death and tranquility.

For his work he has had the help of his nephew Adrian Pérez: Unai Pelayo. And Pelayo of his unconditional: Elena Ramirez, Andoni Olaetxea, Telmo Trenor and Iker Vázquez. Ramirez, as always, has given him that magical touch, a touch he will not find anywhere else. I've heard for the first time in the voices singing in a duo. In the version of the song of Mal de montes, Ramirez sings an original melody and along with Pérez there is talk of a love story that has just broken. Adding different rhythms and melodies excites me, as if Ramirez appeared indifferent when breaking through Perez.

This work has drunk from joy and tranquility. And that's the result. Why is the singer-songwriter coming back after 20 years in a hurry? Record at home and work at home. It's curious, over time, to go closer and closer, because you get further and further. “And hope has committed suicide this morning in a corner.”