Nobody will be invited to steal
Iker Barandiaran @IkerBarandiara 2022ko uztailaren 15a
Zarata | Perlata & The Dillingers | Autoekoizpena, 2022

The Perlata de Arrasate group will not marry almost anyone. Since 2015 they have been making their own way, looking at what is being done around them, but in their own direction and pace and not reassure them. They carry quite a few records and miles on their backs. I was surprised, but apparently the train of the bank robbers The Dillingers of Oibar (Navarra) has awakened their attention and been encouraged to throw coal together and fight the bank.

The Dillingers is a project younger than that of the Mondragonese, but they already have a record released in 2020 and come with strength in the concerts. They will give the wood!

On this album they've recorded four songs and the ninth album, the wounded Roc-and-roll, they've done it together.

Starting with Perlata's songwriter, Gurea has rock and punk for both and he spells medium and faster, always from the viscera, but with more nuances than before. Complicate more rage and sturdy, heavy and fast rhythms (!) The one that unites, the beautiful. And with Spanish, the kick intensifies in the gigantic song Barriers, with speed, punk choirs care and guitars and harsher rhythms. Finally, they have gathered the Sasi-Balada Breathe, which opens the sound of the piano. All this and more are Perlata, unclassifiable, passionate and yet sensitive, because they always get out of their lives what needs to be sung.

The Dillingers group was unknown to me and surprised me. Diligence is the role-and-roll punkar, with strong rhythm, festive atmosphere and lelOi!. Punk rock dark and powerful that binds us to Rats in the 1980s. Very intense, hit! and Via Irati a round piece punk rock melodic to claim its origin.

And, as we've already said, the wounded Roc-and-roll that ends the record, like the MCD of a time, very few have written a sticky punk roc-and-roll in music and malenconic in words.