The new harvest is fragile
Xuban Zubiria @xubanzubiria 2022ko uztailaren 01a
Hauskor | Odolaren mintzoa | Egilea editore, 2022

The pandemic crisis has also been a new opportunity for regeneration, as demonstrated by the Odolaren Mintzoa group in Usurbil. His work mocking normality has been slowly cured in the Garate de Andoain studies. With the help of Kaki Arkarazo collects 8 refined songs.

As for the creation of the group, it must be said that music is friends before meeting. Pulling out different musicality, with a clear ambition to mix melodies and rhymes, they've sought their own voice in melodies supported by fast rhythms. But there has always been word, meaning and language.

Hauskor is a disc that has few cuts. It is a leap to dare about what they have done more than break from what they have done so far. The rhythm and the direct refrain in heredity offers a remarkable musical and aesthetic novelty.

Quartet friend Ixak Arruti – Venganza Ciega, Izerberg, La Regadera… – with the guitarist’s sharp puntets, the song Burua tente opens the album biting the heteronorma. Nude is an attempt to undress the group as if a guitar rhythm were something more joyful.

The last beach captures the song from the first stadium. The letter of great poetic weight, “skin against skin”, is perceived by the listener every time a strong voice of Serge – Eraso, Serge… – artist appears among the adult guitars. It's one of the most powerful songs on the record, because of the musicality that further questions the trapped listener.

By pulse to conquer the stage, the protagonist role of guitars in the new Model, a proposal that will win the public, is imposed more than to the voice. The mirror speaks of the everyday in a more pessimistic sense, the most explosive guitar and battery sounds despite the darker sounds make the album proposal darker along with the Chain.

Bi herri, behin: Uruguay in the early 1990s. Speaker of the events of the filter, maintains the effervescence of music to the claim from the beginning to the end. Recognition exercise giving the disk the added value needed. Follow the chain to bring the listener to a more abstract sphere. Perhaps a more European sound, which deals with more original paths.

As an allegory of the final, Azkena closes the album with evidence of a shot. It has been selected to make the video clip, which is on the net. The album was released in 2017. Let it be the word Hauskor and its meaning as an excuse to satisfy rooms and ears.