100 years of rubber bears
  • After two years of working on hard candy production and experimenting with new products, in 1922, the German pastry chef Hans Riegel managed to make soft sweets.
Nagore Irazustabarrena Uranga @irazustabarrena 2022ko ekainaren 22a
(Argazkia: Haribo)

He would prepare them with his wife Gertrud, with the sugar and molasses cooked, and then they would cycle them. Some candies that still exist on the market are older than those of Riegel, such as: Hershey’s sweets came to market in 1900 and Toblerone chocolate bars in 1908. But the first gummies were Riegel's.

To name the company, he added to the first letters of his last names the beginning of his city, Bonn: Haribo. And he was right to shape the new candy. It currently has 16 factories and produces 100 million bears a day.