In Madrid, in the Spanish Parliament, the intention was applauded to make a law that equates homeworkers with other workers. The workers there said they applauded for the years struggle. The decision is a compromise for the moment that must go a long way towards becoming law. And despite their legalization, they know that they will have to keep fighting to reach the most disadvantaged in domestic chores.
Applause was also heard when the abolitionist law was passed to end prostitution. The proponents had to applaud, because it was a victory to give way to the project. I also understand that the cords of the law applaud the step, when the competition for positions is stronger than the political debate, because the question is who has won.
Despite the applause, the important thing is what these decisions will bring, and if the Aliens Act remains in force, little or nothing. Housekeepers working without papers will still be unentitled. And the law is not going to be a problem for pimps, if the need and lack of support for women without papers is going to remain the same.
I have missed the abolitionist speech in the face of the unacceptable figure of internist workers. I am left because, as in the issue of prostitution, I find no place for my contradictions, concerns and doubts. But it is clear to me that there are red stripes and that in order to achieve this we must meet the workers. To use the law on aliens is a red line that is abusing to tread without limits on the workers, you only have to consult the hospitality management company of Gipuzkoa. The abolition of the law, in this there is no alternative.
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