We're Vulk
Iñigo Basaguren-Duarte @inigob_d 2022ko ekainaren 15a
Argazkia: Rubén Eletxigerra (@weedianaut)

Three years ago the Vulk group last offered a concert in Bilbao, except the November special. Three years in which the world and those of us who inhabit it have changed enormously. During this time the bilbaíno quartet has published its new album, Vulk is not (Montgri, 2022). His rejection is not limited to the title, but he laughs at the slavery of the labels on the richest album recorded by the group. To present it they have offered numerous performances and the last two have taken place in Bilbao, one after the other, at home and in family.

WHEN: June 3:
Black Box (Bilbao)

They got brave to the stage dressed elegantly, but ready to fight. Under the suit you could detect boxing boots. The performance was opened with a song against a dozen people. Vulk is a perfectly greased, aggressive and rabid machine. This was demonstrated from the first second, in which each team member was outstanding. The four appeared unbeatable together.

The group is able to transmit and forget that under the shell we are fragile. Laughing with tight teeth is another way to appear aggressive. They live in dangerous conditions to maintain balance and avoid traps in the death network. In the second song, Laguna, “life has deceived us

and recognized that we have “entered the wheel”, recognizing that we have previously lost the fight against death. In the song of the same name we were warned that the enemy is always on the heel, also again work. They only played two songs outside the last album. Water Surrender and Look of the Cow.

As the performance progresses, the accomplices look mixed with black hearts sent in secret. Sweat moved the environment and occasionally fires occurred throughout the room. At one point Lizardi went up to the table to help with the song Amodioa in jail. The saxo rose hugged more than in the hand, as if in moments of fragility it meant that music is the only refuge. The culminating point of the rite came with the song Fiery Militancy, which allowed us to witness death and resurrection, destruction and reconstruction.

Three years ago, although they weren't fully aware, Vulk started a journey. Along the way, they have faced all kinds of challenges and temptations, and they have lost a lot of things. It is time for them to come back, to account. With triumphs and failures in the pockets, they have stood on the table at these two concerts in Bilbao. They have sincerely acknowledged that the first fight, the most important one, is the one we fight ourselves, which is our main antagonists.