Who do we create for?
Diana Franco 2022ko ekainaren 14a

Children have, and some adults have not lost the tendency to creation. Perhaps all of us who tend to immerse ourselves in creation will not do nice jobs, but I think the experience is similar: when you are there you can put aside many things to have a good life in this world: family care, body health, relationships, care of the place of residence... It’s not easy to immerse yourself in creation and share a “good life”, at least if you don’t build your life completely linked to what you want to create.

When I think about the creators who work in the digital sphere, I imagine on a table in a small room of a city, a town, a hamlet, a company, a library..., dedicating a lot of hours alone as any creator to do their solo work: music, design, texturization, cooking, data, podcast, video, video game, photography, photography, penetration, electronics... The work of these creators makes the digital environment and influences the transformation of our society.

The cave comes to mind: the idea of the old cave, in my opinion, was not about loneliness, but about the goal of creation. In the expressions “art” of the Paleolithic, which were given in the cave, man drew for himself, it was a way of reflecting the interiors themselves, far from the eyes of others. Maybe sometime someone noticed that those inner reflexes could be interesting for others too, and we started thinking about others. Over time, the sense of creation is largely conditioned to the acceptance of others. In the digital sphere, this character has been accentuated and the main character of creation has become a success. Instead of communities and societies, algorithms are the ones that send you to create to succeed. At first for oneself, then for the community, in the end we are creating for algorithms. In this reality, sometimes I want to go back to the cave, but for the moment I am on my way.