Continuous return
Aritz Galarraga 2022ko ekainaren 14a

Because the CM explains better than me – and more than Séneca today –, let’s say that with it, we tend to live like a regular vagina, a tense tendency. And also imputing the death of our life. “Our societies hide and expel everything that smells of death,” says the EC: “Until recently, the elders were at home and as they turned off they saw how to renew their lives through their grandchildren. It was a way to kill kindness. Now, in nursing homes, the only thing that unites them is that they have to kill immediately. That’s why many nursing homes have a marked taste of tanatory and even crematorium furnace.” But what seems like a problem, well seen, “is luck, at least if we want to live in depth, remember that every day we have to kill.” We died of living, Axular said, and of dying.

On the other hand, Nietzsche has a passage that has already become famous, in which he imagines that a devil proposes to live an endless life, with a condition, yes, that begins again and again, as before, without being able to change the smallest detail: “This life, as it lives now and as it has lived, will have to live once again and as many times as it cannot, and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and pleasure, every thought and every sigh, and all the small and great of your life, will have to return to you in the same sequence. And also this spider and this moonlight between the trees, and this moment.” Continuous return. Would you be ready? Adèle Van Reeth, on the bet: “No surprises, no improvisations, no changes. The idea is untenable.”

The devil would thus teach us a raw truth. Is the life you're leading now the life you'd like to lead? CD: “Life has no end. And that is precisely what makes life fantastic and fascinating (...) it is in our hands to provide the life of all the destinations and meanings you want.”